Room for Reading

In August I will be moving from my humble one-bedroom apartment to a slightly larger townhouse with more room for all of my books. One of the great things about my little place has been the beautiful built-in bookshelves that have housed my collection, though my tomes have long ago spilled out into stacks underneath. In my new abode I won’t have a bookcase so I have started exploring the option of buying bookcases from IKEA. And I’ve also realized that I’ll have room for a little reading nook if I choose. I’ve started looking at pictures on Google images of some cozy reading nooks to use for inspiration and these are some that I especially like:

I love the books arranged face out and the little magazine rack. I'm not crazy about the gray, though.

The proximity to the fire and the arrangement of the chair near a plant and a shawl would be so cozy.

The use of white is refreshing and calming and I like the arrangement next to the window.

The classic country look of this nook is very appealing. The chair looks soft and comfy.

Do you have a special reading area in your home? Do any of the above appeal to you or would you choose something entirely different? I’m excited about creating a space devoted to my books and reading.